i4R Cobot | CobWelding
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i4R the robotic arm to automate welding. Together we do Cobwelding

We make productivity, efficiency with a low ROI

i4R Cobot

What is CobWelding?

Welding automation

Cobwelding is the application of a cobot to welding processes. i4r Welding is a product designed to automate those processes. How does it work? The robotic arm makes the process safe and efficient, the torch and machine, are responsible for the weld quality to make it great. All parts of cobwelding play a crucial role in offering quality and efficient welding results.

Brand differentiators

convenient and easy payments

We offer an excellent payment plan for companies. We know that investment in considerably improving industrial processes is important. We offer an excellent scheme designed to the needs of the company, from financing to leasing.

together in the project

Unlike other welding solutions, we have qualified personnel. You don't have to do what everyone else does, buy an arm from one supplier and the welding bracket from another. Our team is doing the entire turnkey solution.

training and coaching

Our training and training has no additional costs. We also issue a certificate endorsing the necessary skills by levels, foundation, knowledgeable and expert. In the updates we will be in contact to train and train at no additional cost.

About i4R Cobot

Where is it possible to apply cobwelding?

Collaborative welding is possible to apply in different industries such as metal mechanics, manufacturing of home appliance equipment, manufacturing of furniture, production of accessories and automotive parts.

Characteristics of a process to apply cobwelding

Repetitive welding processes.

Cobwelding guarantees the quality of a monotonous and tiring process. Providing cost reduction in waste due to low quality.

Unsafe or non-ergonomic processes

Welding processes that compromise the health of the operator in the medium or long term.

High volume and low mix of parts

Cobwelding is ideal for high volume production with low mix. The i4R Welding guarantees the cycle time.

Watch the video about i4R Welding JR

A short video on welding in carbon steel. You will be able to see the necessary tools to hold the torch and a clean welding process.

i4R Welding JR

i4R Welding JR carrying out a welding activity for a client. The test was satisfactory.

i4R doing CobWelding.

A customer who needs to automate a repetitive welding process. The case is a success.

Youtube channel playlist

In the production list of the i4R you will see the characteristics, different functions and their application in Industry 4.0

Get in touch

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